About Me

   I’m eighteen years old graduated class of 2011 from Clint High School and currently a full time student at The University of Texas at El Paso.  I am taking my core classes, which will help me move on to my major that will be Psychology. My goal this semester is to keep my dedication to school as my number one priority. I not only plan on going for my bachelor’s but achieving my goal of getting my master’s or maybe even my Doctoral Degree.
   Being the second in my immediate family to attend college gives me that motivation to keep going with my education. I chose psychology as my major because I’d really like to be a psychologist one day or maybe even work for the government. I first got interested in this field because of a close friend who suffered from Manic Episodes. It made me wonder of how the human mind works and I’d like to go further into that.
   To me, without education success is depleted. It’s not very often that jobs are given to those with only a high school diploma. This is the reason why I decided to go on with my education. I want to be something bigger than the ordiary.